👤 No. 12 Whitney & Miltank | Sync Pair Story (EN) (1080p) #ポケマスEX​​ #PokemonMastersEX

👤 No. 12 Whitney & Miltank | Sync Pair Story (EN) (1080p) #ポケマスEX​​ #PokemonMastersEX

#ポケマスEX​​ #PokemonMastersEX​ #PokemonMasters #寶可夢大師 #PokemonGame #Pokemon #PMD

The full Sync Pair story of No. 12 Whitney & Miltank is now available.

[0:00] 1st choice
[1:49] 2nd choice

Sync Pair Story Playlist (EN):

Sync Pair Story Playlist (JP):

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