I know what you’re waiting for, and you know I can do it.😉 I hope you will like it. Grimmsnarl is a wonderful design, and even though there are too many wonderful units in the Fairy team, it’s just as good. Grimmsnarl can buff Attack+6, Defense+6, Sp. Def+6, Speed+6 & Critical-hit rate+3 within 4 rounds. Also can apply the Gradual Healing effect & the Enduring effect. There are even First Aid 4 and Crunch: Staggering 1 in the Sync Grid. Whether it’s offensive or defensive, if you miss Diantha, then I think you can try to choose Marnie (Summer 2021) & Grimmsnarl.
Player ID:0564-5487-8320-8123
Physical Dmg. Reduction/ Special Dmg. Reduction/ No Status Conditions/ Sync Buff ↑ 5/ Attack & Sp.Atk ↑ 3/ No Stat Reduction/ Half Ally MP/ Power ↑ on Hit 1/ Gradual Healing/ Max Sync Countdown-2/ Power ↑ on Hit 2/ Ally Move Gauge Max-2
Lucky Skills:Superduper Effective 1
