ポケモンマスターズ 第44回 エリートモード1500ptチャンピオンバドル 2対3 ノボリ & クダリ/44th MasterMode 2Vs3 1500pts by Ingo & Emmet

ポケモンマスターズ 第44回 エリートモード1500ptチャンピオンバドル 2対3 ノボリ & クダリ/44th MasterMode 2Vs3 1500pts by Ingo & Emmet

I think it’s definitely the best combination so far. Although one is rock type and the other is ground type, it doesn’t prevent them from playing smoothly. I guess they can do any kind of championship challenge. Besides, I really like symmetrical things.
Player ID:0564-5487-8320-8123
Physical Dmg. Reduction/ Special Dmg. Reduction/ No Status Conditions/ Strength ↑ 1/ Sync Buff ↑ 5/ Defense & Sp. Def ↑ 3/ Max HP ↑ 2/ Gradual Healing/ Max HP ↑ 4 / Ally Move Gauge Max-2 / Max HP ↑ 6
Grid 1:https://pokemon-masters-stuff.github.io/?e=1&grid=AAECAwQFERQXGh4gISMkLw==&o=738&id=10109000000&s=5
Grid 2:https://pokemon-masters-stuff.github.io/?e=0&grid=AAECAwQFExUWFxgaHB4hIiU=&o=750&id=10108000000&s=5